
  • The members of the IPA Region of Belgrade who renew their membership are obliged to:

    • Bring a photo that should be formated for a passport or ID card in the resolution of 300 bpi (photo shops know the size). Those members who brought these in 2016 are needn’t do that.
    • When taking a new IPA ID card for 2017, return the old one for 2016 (which is invalid) to prevent abuse
    • Bring the paying-in slip as a proof of the paid membership for 2017 (2500,00 dinars) into the current account at Alpha Bank number: 180123121004105398.

    The purpose of paying: memebership for 2017.

    The receiver: IPA Region of Belgrade


    A new tally sheet is filled ( or the existing one is being checked) on the spot in order to update the data accuracy. Also, revers are issued on the charge of the IPA membership card and the IPA mark (IPA badge in the leather case).


     (Instructions for new members)

    1. Fill out the application only in Latin script, clearly, in capital letters, preferably via computer

    2. Please attach your photo along with the aplication , which should have the format of the passport or identity card at a resolution of 300 bpi (photo shops know the size)

    3.Paying-in slip of 3000,00 dinars for the 2017 membership should be paid into the current account number 180123121004105398.

    The purpose of paying: membership for 2017

    Receiver: IPA Region of Belgrade

    4.The conclusion or the certification of labour relations for unlimited time in MIA of the Republic of Serbia or the copy of the conclusion about the retirement (alluding the retirement as a worker of the MIA, not as a worker of the public security)

    5. Filled application must be delivered to the IPA Region of Belgrade (1 Omladinskih Brigada Street, 11 070 Novi Beograd

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